Services Products Quality Contact Distribution

The simple, one-stop solution to all your quality needs
Quality Control


Factory Assessment & Quality System Evaluation
Verify the capability of a supplier to meet client’s required contact conditions and assess the supplier’s quality management system and/or its compliance to client’s requirements in the aspects of social a
ccountability and environmental protection.

Inspection and Factory Audit Services (Factory Evaluation)
Falcon Vision Limited commits to safeguard you and your clients interest by rendering trustworthy inspection and factory audit services. For inspection services, we assist you in minimizing the risk of liability, costly product returns and recalls by conduction checking at different stages of production, loading supervision and damage survey. Products are inspected according to your quality specifications and international standards. For factory audit services, we help evaluate the quality system, machinery, worker’s skill/hygiene, production capability of your suppliers and outline their strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, we are highly concerned with issues of labour treatment and fire safety in factory. Actual auditing scope can be custom designed to suit your needs and customer’s expectation.

Social accountability standards
Much like ISO 9000 for quality management and ISO1400 for environmental management, the SA 8000 provides a set of standards for evaluating social accountability in the following areas:

  • Child labour: companies may not support the use of child labor. The Social Accountability International (SAI) standard defines child labor. As the work of “any person under 15 years of age, unless local minimum age law stipulates a higher age for work.”
  • Forced labour: companies may not support the use of “forced labor.”
  • Health and safety: companies must provide a safe and healthy working environment of their employees.
  • Freedom of Association and Right to collective Bargaining:companies must respect the right of all employees to form and join trade unions of their choice and to bargain collectively.
  • Discrimination: companies may not engage in or support discrimination in hiring compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, or political affiliation.
  • Disciplinary practices: companies may not engage in or support the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse.
  • Working hours: companies must comply with a applicable laws and industry standards on working hours.
  • Compensation:Companies must ensure that wages paid for a standard working week meet at least legal or industry minimum standards.
  • Management systems:Top management must define the company’s policy for social accountability and labor conditions to ensure that in includes a commitment to conform to all requirements of this standard and national and other applicable laws.